Monday, May 16, 2011

ROMAN Post 2

For the next section, one of the first links I believe we should use is this website contains many maps, family trees, games as well as a virtual library. Another link we should possibly use is this website has information on the Philosophy, Government, food, people, wars and even art of the Romans and also keeps the info simple and understanding. Lastly, we should probably take a look at, this website has a list of the many important people in the Roman empire. It tells us who they are, what they did, and how they came to be.

ROMAN Post 1

-Forum is a center of all government business
-Citizens have the right to vote in a republic
-Legionaries are citizens who make up a majority of the roman army
-Consuls are chief executives
-Dictators were elected

-Conflicts between Carthage and Rome are considered the Punic Wars
-Rome and Carthage fought 3 Punic Wars
-Carthage was the most powerful city North of the African coast
-During the 3rd Punic war, Rome nearly destroyed the city of Carthage
-Spartacus led a revolt as a slave

-Marc Anthony helped Octavian gain control of the west
-Triumvirate means rule of three
-Julius Caesar led troops across the Rubicon and declared war on the Republic
-Augustus was emperor of Rome
-Pax Romana was a period of peace for 200 years

-Pax Romana was the longest period of peace ever known
-Roman laws were called the Code of Twelve Tables
-A major impact that helped the Roman Empire was good transportation
-Galen wrote several volumes on medical
-The Aeneid was written by Virgil

-Romans sacked the Jewish Holy City of Carthage
-Pontius Ponte a roman governor tried to be an enemy of the state
-The Council of Nicaea proclaimed the existence of the Trinity
-The Roman emperor Constantine declared his support for Christianity in A.D. 312
-In the late Roman empire, Christian church councils collected and spread Chrisitan beliefs which helped establish Christianity as a major religion and stabilized the church.

-Inflation is the rise of price due to the decreased value of money
-Dio cletian thought the empire had grown too large for one emperor and appointed a co-emperor to rule the West.
-invaders from Germany were a constant threat as they fled from the Huns.
-The Vandals, a Germanic tribe, proved to be a serious threat and sacked Rome around A.D. 455.
-Economic historians argue that high inflation and taxes, as well as the decline in agriculture, explain why the Western Empire fell.