Monday, March 28, 2011

Greek Blog #5

Top 5 Things the Greeks contributed to modern society

-History (Herodotus, father of history)

-Underground aqueducts

I chose the top 5 that I did seeing as we still use them today and they relate to us in many different ways. For example things such as philosophy are a part of schools and the way we learn, while democracy is something we live with in our government system. Although Herodotus is not part of our day to day lives, history is, and we create history everyday. The olympics are not neccasarily a contribution, however it is still an impact on us, and is something everyone takes time to watch or read about. Lastly I picked aqueducts because.. we need water..

Greek Blog #4

As the cover to a Greek Unit book, I would choose a picture of one of the Grand Monuments that would have been in Greece. Although the picture above is only left in ruins, this gives you an idea of how grand and complicated these structures were back in the day. In the picture is one of the most famous structures know as the Parthenon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



It seems that while Athens made a foundation to live by, creating their own government as well as creating laws, and making a society for families to live in, they were not overall strong as a group. Sparta was more of a military type civilization. They were very strong in their combatants and the government kept control of its people. Personally, having most of the males in my family take some sort of part in the military I would rather live in sparta and fight for the people. The boys education in this civilization was Reading, Writing, and Military Training which would work for me.
Plus I want to be this guy..


1. Many coastal settlements may have been destroyed by tidal waves.
2. The Minoan civilizations was the earliest greek civilization.
3. Minoan artists carved figures from gold, iron, and ivory.
4. Mycenaeans conquered the Minoan people.
5. Minoan system of writing was called Linear B.
6. Polis is a greek word for city-state.
7. Original fort in the polis was built on an acropolis.
8. Each city-state had a market, known as an agora.
9. Each seperate city-state formed its own government with seperate laws.
10. Homer wrote both the iliad as well as the oddesey.
11. Aristocracy is "Rule by the best".
12. Oracles were places where gods spoke through mortals.
13. Homer was a blind poet who wrote epic poems.
14. Olympic games were actually held to honor greek gods.
15. Hoplites were heavy infantry who carried spears.
16. Peisistratus actually a tyrant who aimed to improve economy.
17. Sparta was known for physical strength and control of its people.
18. Athens was know for its law and government.
19. Helots were people conquered by sparta and forced to work for them.
20. Ephors were people who made sure the king stayed within and followed the laws.
21. Reading, writing, and military training was a young boy's education.
22. Metics were born outside Athens but were free and paid taxes.
23. Athenian women were citizens but could not vote.
24. The main purpos of marriage was to have children.
25. The Greek word sophos means "wise."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

POST 11 - What I am looking into

In the next part of our research I plan on exploring further into the Egyptian Civilization by looking at what trades these people may have had during their time. I want to find out what these trades were, as well as what impact they might have had on their society. Once I find out what exactly these trades I would like to be able to find what tools were used in order to complete these. To go even further, I want to find out if some of these tools used have evolved or slightly changed into something we use in today's society.